Boot into single user mode by rebooting the VM and quickly giving focus to the screen and holding Command-S. I already installed the tools and then rebooted and got a kernel panic that wouldn’t go away, so I found your post too late. I am not sure if this thread is still relevant, but I was able to successfully run OSX 10.8 in VMFusion 4.1.3 with host version OSX 10.7.4 by performing these steps: Comment out these two lines (they're shown commented out, via the # in front of each):.Edit (you'll need root power) in that same directory.Navigate to /Library > Application Support > VMware Tools.Just leave the installer running onscreen. Run the VMWare Tools installer, but do not reboot when it's done.So here's a workaround to get Mountain Lion working with VMware Tools (this assumes you have Mountain Lion already running in a virtual machine): Unfortunately, using virtual OS X without VMware Tools installed is painful-no screen resize, captured and laggy mouse, etc. This is simple in VMware Fusion, but if you try to install VMWare Tools, Mountain Lion will kernel panic. If you're a Mac developer with access to OS X Mountain Lion, you might want to use it in a virtual machine. I've left it here mainly for those using older versions of Fusion (though you may not be able to install newer Mountain Lion previews on those older versions of Fusion). Note: As of VMWare Fusion 4.1.2, this hack is no longer necessary.